After I moved from New York to DC, I wrote an article for this cute site, Works by Nicole Williams about
how to network and make friends in a new town. Although I dished the advice, I was reluctant to follow it myself. I already
had a group of one-of-a-kind girls that didn't need replacing. Plus, friend dates can be so awkward. And I didn’t feel like “dating” again. (Wasn't that one of the perks of getting married - no more blind dates?) Was I was destined to be lonely like Carrie Bradshaw when she moved to Paris, sharing cake with that big dog, and longingly/creepily staring at a group of women through a window?
While my husband would never turn down a good Sunday brunch, getting him to analyze Gossip Girl or come with me to Power Sculpt was not going to happen. So, I got over it. I went on friend dates out the wazoo. I made it my mission to meet anyone and everyone I could. I even saw Obama's motorcade stopped at a red light and gave him a friendly wave. He nodded back. We both moved here around the same time … I think we
totally would have gone on a friend date if his schedule wasn’t so packed.

Point is – having a social life makes a new city more fun. You can’t depend on a significant other to help you find friends or be your
only friend. As tempting as it may be to just bbm, im, gchat and skype with the ones you already have … they won’t be able to meet you for a glass of wine after work. Even if you've lived in the same place for 8 years, it's important to be be open to expanding your circle.
Now it's one year later ... and I think I have had an easier time making friends here than the President. Don't give up, B!
I think Obama would have really benefitted from joining you for a Power Sculpt class! Great post!