Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The 20 Minute Workout Revelation

Today I was determined to go to the gym. I walked home from work on a mission. Quickly change into workout gear, and then bop around on the elliptical to my iPod that may or may not include Justin Bieber. But upon arrival home, I talked myself out of that plan. Obvi.

However, I decided that being lazy and eating Pop Chips out of the bag (delicious as they are) would simply not be an option. So, I put on Exercise TV (it's free if you have Comcast) and found a new workout, Kickbox. The best part? It promises to burn fat and sculpt in just 20 minutes. Done and done.

I'm pretty sure I was one jumping jack away from falling through my living room floor into my neighbor's apartment, but all in all - it was a fun, fast-paced, lunge and high kick-filled workout.

The teacher said I was doing "AWESOME", although for all she knows, I could have been sitting on couch sipping a glass of Chardonnay in my workout clothes. I especially liked when she said to "bring energy to your glutes".  Eating a burrito would probably accomplish that too...

I know that I don't deserve a medal for working out for a mere 20 minutes, but all I'm sayin' is that it's better than doing nothing...

What are your favorite quick workouts? Any good tips for staying motivated when you reeaaaallly don't want to go to the gym?


  1. Jess, very inspiring and amusingly written of course!

  2. If you are a Biggest Loser fan like I am- they also have workouts on Excercise on Demand. Jillian's Last Chance Workout totally kicks my butt!!!

  3. Jess I love Exercise TV. I did 2 of them on Monday and I keep saying how sore my legs are. They really work if you want them to :)

  4. Which ones did you do nik? I want to try!
