Monday, April 16, 2012

The Most Extreme Wedding Diet

Wedding trends come and go, and hopefully this latest weight loss fad will soon end up where velvet tuxedos went to die. The disturbing (to say the least) K-E diet promises to help women shed 20 pounds in just 10 days. Rather than bothering with a healthy, balanced diet and exercise, brides looking for a quick fix are paying big bucks to have a feeding tube inserted into their nose, down into their stomach. They're "fed" a slow drip of protein and fat, mixed with water, totaling 800 calories a day.

Outraged? Me too. I'm about to go "Ashley Judd" on y'all ... so get ready...

There is something just so sad about women that choose to do this diet. (Don't even get me started on the doctor offering this service.) Of course brides want to look amazing on their wedding day. There's nothing wrong with stepping up your workouts or watching what you eat to look and feel beautiful.  During my own wedding prep, I begrudgingly cut down on my cheese and chocolate intake. I splurged and worked out with a trainer once a week. I hauled my tired butt to the gym when I soooo didn't want to go. But the key for me was moderation. A girl still has to go to happy hour and eat the occasional cheeseburger. Am I right?

Even though you get to dress like a princess on your wedding day, you're still you. Why go to such drastic extremes to not look like the you everyone knows and loves? And let's be honest ... could you imagine a guy schlepping around for 10 days with a feeding tube before his wedding? Didn't think so.

I don't have a solution at the moment for changing the unfortunate mentality of brides that want a feeding tube instead of food. But I can share this article I wrote for, featuring great tips, weight-loss strategies, and advice from women who walked down the aisle feeling fit, fabulous and healthy. Core Fusion classes, running, healthy food swaps (like substituting balsamic vinegar for full-fat dressings), spa treatments, and Weight Watchers are just a few of the totally normal ways women slimmed down to rock their dream dress.


  1. Thank you for sharing this very helpful tips in losing weight and have the guts in maintaining fit and sexy during the wedding day! I feel so inspired about your point of view.

  2. Hi, Jess!

    My name is Jaclyn, and I'm the editor of, a free resource for DIY brides. I'd love to feature your wedding expertise through guest posts, if you're interested!

    Please contact me at for more information.


